Animation|Augmented Reality|AV Installations|Film|Light Art & Video Mapping|Virtual Reality


Created by Matunda Groenendijk (APVIS)

A poetic experience about an old painter who loses himself in the unending process of his next masterpiece

In a society focused on performance we are confronted almost daily with questions like: Am I good enough? Do I matter? Do I add anything to this world? People are always so busy worrying about their place in the world that they never wonder about what life can give them. Synthesis follows Walter Gardner’s journey to a new, liberating worldview. Enjoying the sun, clouds and wind, he rediscovers himself and his passion in painting.

Researching the contrast between two worldviews

In ‘Synthesis’ Matunda researches the contrast between a limiting personal experience and an abstract encompassing perspective of the world. The visitor experiences the journey between these two extremes in two parts. First, Gardners own world is displayed. You see him working in his studio for days on end: not responding to his letters, pulling the phone off the hook, even barricading his front door. While he loses himself in doubt and anger over his colorless legacy you see waste stack up around him.

Especially during the corona pandemic Matunda finds it important to give the viewer a chance to review their way of living: to take a moment to appreciate life, the present. This happens in the second part of the experience, where you see him take a train: finally going outside after months of wasting away in his own world. The city where he has lived his whole life flashes by, when suddenly the train ascends into the heavens and pulls away into an abstract experience, a ‘Synthesis’ where his two worlds collide in his final masterpiece.

The virtual reality experience ‘Synthesis’ is made for the Oculus Rift (S) But is also viewable with an Oculus Quest through Oculus Link. The total experience lasts 5 minutes and requires 4×4 meter of free space and is experienced by one person at a time. The installation is meant to be experienced while standing, but sitting is also possible. There is a Dutch and English version available. Dutch title: ‘Synthese’ .

´Synthesis´ is the first ‘poetic experience’ by Matunda Groenendijk and Micha Hamel.


Director Matunda Groenendijk (APVIS)

Text Micha Hamel

Dutch Voice Eddie

English Voice mikejfvo

Producer Studio APVIS

Music Design VR Sam Cartier

Assistent VR Design Demian Albers (APVIS) Ines Fernandes (APVIS)