Artist Daniel Wesseik | Augmented Reality Studio APVIS
Studio APVIS translated Daniel Wesseik’s artworks ‘The return of Moby Dick’ into immersive Augmented Reality experiences. The AR works consist of three different AR portals that appear throughout the city of Breda.
As a new found prophet of climate change, Daniel Wesseik uses the space of the church as a portal to another dimension where other creatures emerge to give messages to the people of Breda. Visitors can visit these extra dimensional portals and freely walk around in them. Besides the location of the Grote Kerk, you can also find a portal at Chasse Theater and the Valkenberg Park.
The Story
In 1986 a seal visited the city of Breda. She spent a couple of weeks in the city where she lived on a boat at the canal. The unexpected visitor became popular among the people of the city who named her Moby Dick. Moby was captured after two weeks and safely transferred to a seal rescue centre in the North of the Netherlands. Daniel Wesseik considers this seal not to have been lost, but as a creature who wanted to warn Breda for the effect of climate change.
Daniel Wesseik is a visual artist, director and educator. He creates visual poetry, combining media and melting disciplines together. He creates films, animated loops, illustrations that were presented in galleries, museums and film festivals around the world. Daniel is also currently a Next talent.
The AR work is part of the Post Digital Heritage group exhibition.
Interview for MEST magazine about the exhibition (in Dutch).
This experience was commissioned by BLEND edition of Playgrounds Festival.
Artist / Director Daniel Wesseik
Augmented Reality Studio APVIS.
Sound Design KlevR Sounddesign.